Shipping and return policies for Missing Retrospections

Shipping Info
1. Shipping price inside Poland is 4,46$ (depending on a dollar exchange rate from 18.00
Polish złotych)

2. Shipping price outside Poland is 18.82$ (depending on a dollar exchange rate from 76.00
Polish złotych)

3. An additional shipping price can be added if the package will be larger than normal.

4. Shipping time can be depended on the country

5. We are working only on weekends, due to our daily jobs and shipping preparation can depend on the time when the post office is opened and our free time.

6. By default we are using the Polish Mail Service (Poczta Polska)

7. If You prefer other shipping methods You can make an order individually
via email:, just be sure to include
important information:

-Your first name and last name
-Street and address number
-Postal code
-Phone number if needed (some shipping services may need it)
-Your shopping list and quantity